Home Search Part #1

Looking at homes this week. Ran across one that is larger than my apartment, in a good neighborhood, in my budget, two car garage, new appliances.
The seller is a bachelor and believe me he has the place "bachelored-up" I would definitely have to do some painting... and rip up the seafoam green carpet and put in hardwood. But that's nothing... I can do that.
It also comes with a 250 inch high-def flatscreen TV built into the wall along with a surround-sound system. Sweet, right? (well it looks 250 inches)
Anyway... looking at the photo you can see that there are some cheesy looking "theater curtains" on both sides of the TV. Those would come down for sure. Any suggestions on what to do instead of curtains? How would you decorate that wall? And unfortunately it doesn't come with the cool matching nude statues that are in the photo.
I need all the input I can get if I decide I am going to buy this house.
The first thing you need to do is pull down the curtains. I mean, there is not even a window.
Is this the main living room? That would make a difference..... Some friends of ours have a similar set up and they covered the wall in fabric that looked like they were out side at a drive in theater.
You could also just line the wall with shallow shelves (with or without doors) for storage of all your DVDs. Otherwise, just add a lot of live plants and indoor trees.
Good luck dude. Half the fun of buying a new home is touring them!
The curtians must come down. Seriously, does this bachelor think that looks good? Anyway, I like Just a Mom's suggestion of the plants and indoor trees.
Good Luck!
OMG!!! I'm guessing he hasn't had a girl in that place in a looooonnnng time! That lamp!! Ugh!!
Good luck house hunting!!!!
And can someone please tell me why bachelors always go with black furniture???
Looks good to me, go for it.
Did you tell him it was no longer the 80's? That is quite the setup! A true bachelor pad. Seafoam green? Really? I had a bike that color once... :) The TV and sound system totally make the house a keeper, just no curtains. :)
I'm just now getting over the cheese-factor in that house. I'll bet he drives a Camero too?
I think he placed the TV too low...is there a way to move it up or is it all wired in right there? If the wires can move you could put some sort of low shelving underneath to hold verious media.
The white trim in the house is a plus but yes, that curtain must go...unless you paint the whole room black/some other deep color and get those theatre seating couches...then they would be somewhat appropriate.
What the hell are those statues? OMG.
Oh. My god. That is craaaazy. The statues? Is he Italian? Or Greek? One of the two.
There's a stylish way of making a place look like a man lives there - and that is not it.
HArdwood (or laminate) floors will make a big difference. The statues gone? Big difference? As for what to do in place of the super retarded curtains? Hmm... I like the plants idea. Just don't forget to water them. :)
Are those speakers that are in line with the "curtains"??? WHY OH WHY.... I am lost now, since whatever you do will have to work with the ultra low tv and extra high speakers... good luck with that! OTHER TAHN THAT!! Space has potential!!
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