Be easy... be very easy!

I helped my buddy Dave move this past weekend. He and the lovely Anna are getting married in two weeks. We loaded up a U-Haul full of Dave's belongings and a lot, a lot of wedding gifts. Whoever marked their boxes wrote the word "FRAGILE" on every single box.
Every box had "FRAGILE" items inside apparently and required care and tenderness in the move. So if every box is "FRAGILE" doesn't that make nothing "FRAGILE"? I'm claiming overuse of the word "FRAGILE"

First Ba$tard! I can say that right on a guys blog?!
Definitely overuse of the work fragile. Either that or all they have is breakable things to start their marriage out with. Not a good sign! Kidddinnng! Actually he looks kinda hot! O I'm married. Ya 17 years yesterday. Can you feel the love?
I thought that maybe using an Alaskan U-haul truck would be cooler seeing as how Alaska is a pretty cool place...both in temperature and popularity. However my theory was proven false as most of my furniture melted during the move.
Anna was notified of your formal complaint of "Fragile" overusage. I believe her unofficial response was something along the lines of "Shut-up".
I did inform her of the damaging evidence that you delivered to me when you told me that you opened one of the said "FRAGILE" boxes only to find a box full of plastic take-out cups.
By the way...thanks for all of your help. Notice that I went with the "thumbs-up" in my photo. As you put it..."Giving a thumbs-up in a photo adds a positive spin to the image no matter what it's subject matter".
That's me...spreading positive vibes since 1978.
What a terrific friend you are. I definitely see the over-use of "fragile" ha ha...
Yeah. I'm calling overuse of the word fragile.
Anna is not pleased at the claim of "fragile" overusage. N-O-T P-L-E-A-S-E-D.
This is on your head Bart....on you.
Frah-gee-lay! Must be Italian
Thanks for the "Christmas Story" reference.
I just noticed that I have displayed yet another double-jointed thumbs-up. Gross. Check this for a previous sighting:
Yep...three comments from Dave on one post. That just happened.
So, like did you break anything?
The funny thing is that if they don't unpack the good wedding china for a few years even if you did break it they'll never know! ;)
I must admit I am also an over user of the word Fragile.... It is an illness. My husband told me during our last move that every box that had the word "fragile" on it, was my responsibility to move.... It curred me. Of course, I don't recommend your Dave to use this method of intimidation until after several years of marriage. :)
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