Name This Dog
My dear friend, Dana, who manages a lovely Habersham Furniture and home accessory store gave me this dog as kind of a "bart-er" deal for some graphic design work I have done for her.
She said I need to name the dog... so I am asking for suggestions please.

So far the list I have includes these names:
I have a Petey, so that won't work.
I like Brutus. Or maybe Joe?
What about Maximus? Looks like he would be a gladiator of some kind if he were human.
BTW, do you think you could send me an electronic copy of the picture you did for my going away cake if you still have it? I think it'd make the perfect profile pic.
If you don't have it, no biggie.
Brutus suit's him. Or maybe Brute (with the accent ya know, pronounced Brutay). Then you can say: "Et tu Brute?"
Hmmmm...what about Badass?
Augstus but you can call him Gus
I Think Baxter would be a good name.
I think you should go with something common - like Gary. Although that's taken by my makeup brush, so maybe Bob? Frank? Larry?
I'd go with Winthrop Alastair Rothschild, III. Just a thought.
re: Dave's Dad's suggestion, my FIL used to have a big yellow dog named Baxter and my nephew was little and couldn't pronounce Baxter, he called him, yep, Bastard.
Cracked me up every time.
My vote ....CHURCHILL
WELL??? Did you name the dog?????
**** UPDATE ****
Still have not picked a name. Thank you for all of your input. Hope to have something decided upon in the next 6 - 9 months. Stay tuned.
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