Catch Phrases

I am compiling the worlds most complete list of catch phrases. Not to be confused with my world's most complete List of Nicknames
First I want to have a little catch phrase contest. Check out the list of phrases below and guess their origin. some are obscure and the first one to correctly identify all of them wins a free afternoon hanging with me. (airfare not included) Answers will be posted later.
1. "Dy-No-Mite!!!"
2. "Heeeeeeeere's Johnny!" (2 answers accepted)
3. "Sit on it"
4. "Wheeeee Doggies"
5. "Hasta la vista, baby"
6. "Houston, we have a problem"
7. "Where's the Beef?"
8. "Yada yada yada"
9. "Don't have a cow man"
10. "Can you hear me now?"
11. "BAM!"
Extra Credit: "Wha' Happened?" - if you get this one... I might consider paying airfare
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I'd love it if you'd leave one of your favorite catch phrases for my list.
.If you
#1 is Napoleon (just kidding)
#2 (even though you already have it) is Bob Barker (right?)
#3 - no idea, honestly.
#4 is some sort of country hick (I've heard it before, just don't know who said it first)
#5 is Arnold Schwarzenegger
#6 is Ben Affleck in Armegeddon (just kidding again)
#7 is the Burger King commercial lady
#8 is Elaine on Seinfeld (one of the characters anyway)
#9 is Bart Simpson
#10 is the annoying ass Verizon Guy
#11 is Emeril Lagasse
you have four correct. Thanks for trying.
#1-crap is it from what's happening?
#2 The Tonight Show...Ed McMahanon
#3 no clue
#4 still no clue (I'm so dumb sometimes)
#5 Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator
#6 Apollo 13
#7 The Wendy's old ladies
#8 Seinfield?
#9 That stupid Verizon commercial
#10 the cooking guy, Emeril
1. Good Times
2. The Shining (or the tonight show)
3. Happy Days
4. Beverly Hillbillies
5, The Terminator
6. Apollo 13
7. Wendy's
8. Seinfeld
9. The Simpsons
11. Emeril
My Personal favorites
I got a FEVER! And the only MORE COWBELL!
"You looking at me? You looking at me?"
He's fleeing the interview!
1. "Dy-No-Mite!!!" - Good Times
2. "Heeeeeeeere's Johnny!" - Tonight Show & The Shining
3. "Sit on it" Happy Days
4. "Wheeeee Doggies" Beverly Hillbillies
5. "Hasta la vista, baby" Terminator
6. "Houston, we have a problem" Apollo 13
7. "Where's the Beef? Clara Peller from Wendys Commercials
8. "Yada yada yada" Seinfeld
9. "Don't have a cow man" Simpsons
10. "Can you hear me now?" Verizon
11. "BAM!" Emeril Lagasse
Hi - I came from Kami's board :)
Well, shit. I totally missed this one.
I didn't do this but here's my favourite phrase:
"Excuse me waitress, I believe I ordered a large capuccino. Hello!"
Mike Meyers in So I Married an Axe Murderer.
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