What A Country

Name one other place in America where you can buy a gross of bottle rockets AND a goat. My brother Tim (pictured here) has perhaps struck summertime gold by giving the consumer one-stop fireworks/goat roadside shopping experience... unavailable anywhere else that I'm aware of. Okay maybe in some remote Chinese provience high in the mountains... but really this is closer.
So if you're driving on Hwy 231/431 north of Huntsville, Alabama look for the signs. Stop in and say "hey" to my brother, Tim.... tell him Bart sent you. Ask for the "Blogger Discount" and he might throw in some roman candles.
I'll see your single blog update and raise you three. Goat boy.
Dang, with the price of gas I'm thinking that's a bit far to pick up a goat.
Honestly? That is SO Alabama.
So, um...how much are these goats?
...I'll take two.
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