"What characterizes the truly over-rated icon is that its reputation is all out of proportion to the enjoyment, satisfaction, or benefit that can be, or commonly is, derived from it."

feedback on my list below of things
that I find to be generally over-rated:
(not always... but mostly):
Fireworks Displays
New Year's Eve
Being Single
Star Wars Sequels

The movie Scarface
Japanese Cartoons
Super Bowl Parties
Being Married
Blog Lists
Local Parades
The Winter Olympics
Barbara Streisand

Being Normal
The Sense of Smell
Ben Affleck
Bumper Cars
Any Celebrity's Opinion on Anything
Poker on TV
I agree with you on:
Fireworks Displays
New Year's Eve
Star Wars Sequels
The movie Scarface
Japanese Cartoons
Being Married
Blog Lists
Local Parades
The Winter Olympics
Barbara Streisand
Being Normal
Ben Affleck
Bumper Cars
Any Celebrity's Opinion on Anything
Poker on TV
I'm not sure I understand what you have against the sense of smell. You have never even been pregnant. What gives, Bart? HUH? I love to smell coffee brewing. YUM!
Oh, and the girl who is going to Destin is about to leave! She is Life Calls For Cake, or something, off of my BLOG LIST. ;)
Oh shit. I didn't mean to leave Ben in there. I do love him. Had he not been involved with J. Lo., he'd have 100 points...
And I do LIKE sushi, but yes, it's overrated.
And I've had a glass of wine. Don't mind my rambling.
Wait, I'm sorry....
Did I read that right?
Holy shit.
Um, I beg to differ.
Fireworks? HELL YES.
Chocolate? Unless you've got some really shitty chocolate - then um, NO! It's necessary for my existence, so I'd say it is definitely NOT overrated.
Winter Olympics? How about ANY Olympics? Boooring! (ooh, I'm probably going to hell for that one.)
Coupons? Are you kidding?!? COUPONS ROCK MY WORLD! Boyfriend says that if I had a mating call it would be "Coooo-pon! Cooo-pon!"
Prom? Right on. So freakin' ridiculous. Along those same lines: WEDDINGS. I HATE WEDDINGS.
And I'm done.
That is the longest comment post by Kami I have.ever.seen.
For the record I think being single is over rated, sure you have the freedom to do what you want but the lack of companionship does not make up for it, in my book. Yep i'm pro-hubs today :)
I just added you to my blogroll Bart, I hope that's okay. I like your sense of humor :)
All of it. Overated.
"Chocolate"...regular chocolate, yes. I ate a Hershey's Dark Chocolate Kiss this weekend and nearly threw up. Terrible.
Dove, Lindt...melt in your mouth, would trade for sex...NOT overrated.
Babs...I never got her.
Local hometown-y parades while overrated are a cute, cheesy thing that kids remember for a long time.
That's all I have to say without hijacking this psot.
Oh I so agree on:
New Year's Eve
Japanese Cartoons
Barbara Streisand
Bumper Cars
Poker on TV
Chocolate is probably overrated but since I love it I can't say that or it would be like lying to my lover.
I think your most astute observation is adulthood. HIGHLY over-rated and I worked way to hard to get here only to realize that it mostly sucks.
I read that as "Starbucks Sequel" which ARE VERY overrated. I come from Latte land and they don't get my money. But I do like being married, Nice list.
Yeah...umm...CHOCOLATE??? Get read dude. See my blog.
*laughing too hard to comment*
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