They're Throwing Darts and People Watch
Ran across this wonderful show last night... Darts on TV. I apologize for the poor quality of the photo I took of my television.
The most amazing thing about the fact that there is a show on TV about dart contests is that that means that there are a lot of people who watch "DARTS ON TV"!!!
I really thought there was nothing more worthless than "BOWLING ON TV" but I now found a new low. Guess if you're passionate about something you want to see it on the tube. What time is that "Chutes and Ladders" tournament on? Need to Tivo all of these.
Frankly I'd be more entertained watching a shirt folding contest.
That second guys name wasn't Parker was it? He totally looks like a guy I know.
(why am I revealing my redneck status on here all the time?.. first the chairs.. now the dart-throwing neighbor) LOL
Patti Cake:
No No No... these guys are British and Belgium dart throwers... international level champions... this has nothing to do with being redneck.
Don't worry... I love rednecks.
And... I have nothing against dart throwing... I just think it is amusing that anyone would want to watch it on TV.
Yes, men playing cards is a big thing at our house. And why do people watch this stuff?
FYI they also have billiards championships on ESPN.
HA! Bowling on TV! Now I've seen everything.
By the way, those guys are SEXY. I mean, SEX-AYYYY.
I actually prefer to watch championship hair combing on ESPN 8, The Ocho. Catch the fever!
Bowling, poker, pool...and now darts. Who watches this shit really?
Well, that must mean there's hope for televised shuffleboard... :)
That really has a strong following?
Oh - and I think that second guy qualifies for a FUG Thursday shot! Pink Flamingos! HAWT! :)
Someday you may find yourself in a country with no English TV, and you will WISH for that dart throwing show!! :)
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