This note was stuck in my door the other day and I knew it was from the office here at my apartment complex. That's how the usually send correspondance 'round here. Stuff like"pool party on the 21st"... or "we're paving the parking lot next week" ... general news.
This was a notice to me to "vacate the premises" in 24 hours or they were going to have me evicted! Whaaaaat?
I pay ALL of my bills on time... every time ... especially rent. This is crazy.
This was after five and the office was already "closed" but I thought if I went down there I might could catch someone before they left. Didn't want this hanging over me all night... even though I knew I was right.
Sure enough three of the slimey rats were still there and I was waving the note around like they just left a bag of poo on my doorstep. The first posture they take is "well you are short $60 dollars on your rent thats why you got the notice.
I reminded them that they accused me just a couple of months ago of being a few dollars short as well and that they found that it was a computer error on their part.
Suddenly their posture changes... into nervous giggling and one of them says, "oh... we hate this computer system" and "there is no way for me to check to see if the computer is wrong" and "blah blah blah".
The one thing I'm not hearing is an apology. But they are all smiley faced and "oops, darn our computer it messed up again" ... and one of them even threw in a "I had to work until almost seven last night".
Clearly they knew I was right and everything was ok. One of them even said "when I was putting the note on your door I was thinking 'this isn't like him' "
And I'm thinking "then why the heck didn't you take five minutes to check your own records to see if maybe you goofballs were to blame instead of a resident in good standing? It must be a lot easier to take the time to write the note and get on your little golf cart and drive all the way over to the other side of the complex and shove a note in my door telling me to pack everything up and get out in 24 hours than to see if your computer was wrong... again!
So I wrote their corporate office a letter explaining the whole deal and how insulting and irresponsible they are... maybe sombody will get ripped a new one... maybe not.
I'm house hunting this weekend.
Good for you!!!
Beside the benefit of not having to do your own yard work living in an apartment sucks b/c you are always at the mercy of the landlord.
Good luck on the house search and we'll be expecting pictures!
How ridiculous! I hope your letter does SOMETHING. That's so unprofessional! It's one thing if they'd mistakenly written you a letter stating that you were short on your rent and please sort it out by such-and-such a date. But to just jump right to: "Oh, Bart's $60 short, let's kick him out to the curb?!?" (and you weren't even short!) -- it's CRAZY!
Well that is just crappy on their part.....and more than once!
Get out of there!
Oh hell to the naw... I am glad you sent a letter. You need to make sure something is said/done. Good luck on the househunting. I am slightly OCD about bills!
Holy Crap. I would've gone ballistic on their lazy asses! Especially considering what rent is these days! Not to mention that even paying ridiculously high rent prices, getting maintenance to do their job is always a bitch.
Having been in 9 different apartments in 10 years, I have fought many a battle. My personal favorite - waking up to a swarm of bees who somehow got inside my bedroom window while I was sleeping - talk about not needing coffee to wake up! The managements response? "Your windows are sealed, there's no way for them to get in." I threw a bloody FIT until they resolved the issue. I belive I got comped a month's rent in the end.
Good for you sending a letter to management!!! I hope they do something to make up for it.
That would be enough to get me to move, for sure. Yeah go buy a house. It's a buyer's market anyway.
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