Friday, October 28, 2005

Life in the BDW Suite

It was brought to my attention from a reliable source that I am living in an apartment once occupied for a couple of months by Billy Dee Williams. BDW was filming a movie in Huntsville last year and needed a place to kick back away from the throngs of groupies, stalkers, hangers-on and suck-ups... so he chilled where I now also chill.

There are no visible signs that there was once Hollywood greatness within these walls... but if you are very quiet late at night you can almost hear the Colt 45 jingle.

Tours are available
Mon. - Fri. 10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00
Closed Sunday.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

New Favorite Show

A surprise show (to me) with lots of laughs... The Adam Corolla Project on The Learning Channel (Tuesday nights at 9:00) very funny I give it two thumbs up. For whatever that's worth.

More NASCAR... less Poker!

Ok... this has been bugging me for a while... Poker is not a sport! Why the h#@* is poker playing on ESPN? Am I taking crazy pills? It is not a sport! come on.. if you are sitting down and sipping on booze, then it is not a sport. Come on... back me up.

Not enough hours in the day

I have been berated for not having posted in a while. As you can see by the representative photo I have work related obligations that take priority over foolishness like this. stacks of work not unlike this one... all labled "Rush", "ASAP" and "Need Yesterday".

Now if you'll excuse me the Price is Right is about to start without me. "Bob. is that real imitation leather on that recliner?"... "$225"

Saturday, October 08, 2005

This Sums It Up

Campaign for Quarters

Lately I have had a need for quarters and they have completely evaporated in the two stashes that I have for change. I have a car stash ... and a jar in the house. No quarters left.

I have been buying quite a few newspapers lately (for the sports section) and those machines only take quarters... and I have filled my tires with air and those machines only take quarters... and I have vacuumed my car with those car wash vacuums and those machines only take quarters. If you're like me these days you use your debit card for everything and you just don't get change anymore.

So my campaign is this... I am going to panhandle on street corners for quarters (no dimes, nickles or pennies... those are all apparently useless) and my problems will be solved. That will be me with the cardboard sign "Quarters Only". I am a simple man.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Where in the World is Alex?

My friend Mickey was at last weeks Auburn - South Carolina football game taking photos for a new panoramic image that he will produce, frame and sell. I help him with the PhotoShop work and I was looking over the photos and I think I found my freshman son, Alex in the student section.

Good to know that he is right where he is suppose to be... cheering on the second best team in the great state of Alabama. (he looks healthy and happy don't you think?)

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Roger That

Don't you think they should teach the phonetic alphabet to kids in school? It comes in handy... so I am posting it here for your convenience. Study it... and before long it will be as easy as alpha bravo charlie.

Phonetic Alphabet
A .......... ALPHA
B .......... BRAVO
C .......... CHARLIE
D .......... DELTA
E .......... ECHO
F .......... FOXTROT
G .......... GOLF
H ..........HOTEL
I .......... INDIA
J .......... JULIET
K .......... KILO
L .......... LIMA
M ..........MIKE
N .......... NOVEMBER
O .......... OSCAR
P .......... PAPA
Q ..........QUEBEC
R .......... ROMEO
S .......... SIERRA
T .......... TANGO
U .......... UNIFORM
V .......... VICTOR
W ..........WHISKY
X .......... X-RAY
Y .......... YANKEE
Z .......... ZULU