It's moving day and time to say goodbye to the apartment that I have called my home for the past two years, "The Billy Dee Williams Suite".
(see previous post)
So that this psuedo landmark will retain it's note-worthiness (is that a word?) I have created a card that I will leave behind so that future occupants can know the history of these walls.
Hopefully some over-zealous maid won't carelessly discard my memorial marker ... just in case... I have hidden this card high above the doorframe inside the hall closet under the stairs.
Here is the text of the card:
It was brought to my attention from a reliable source (the maintenance man) that this apartment was once occupied for a couple of months by Billy Dee Williams the actor. BDW was filming the movie “Constellation” in Huntsville in 2004 and needed a place to kick back away from the throngs of groupies, stalkers, hangers-on and suck-ups... so he chilled right here in this apartment.BDW portrayed Gale Sayers (Brian's Song) and Lando Calrissian (Star Wars-The Empire Strikes Back) and many others.If you want to discuss it further please look me up on my blog...http://studiobart.blogspot.comEnjoy the apartment!------------------------------------------------------------
Enough of this foolishness ... I need to get moving.