Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pick a Winner!

Don't know this guy. Don't know what he lost up there. Come on... he is almost up to his 2nd knuckle. Won't be giving him a high five.

Think he is from Auburn.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What TO Wear to a Football Game

More Bama gameday photos to share. For lack of a better theme these photos are positive images of my family and friends for the most part in okay attire and sans mullet hair styles.

This first photo is of my nephew, Jackson in his Bama gear surrounded by some lovely Bama baton twirlers. You know this photo's going on his My-Space page... you know it is.

Here I am with my good friends and newlyweds, Daveanna They were kind enough to grace our tailgate with their bright smiling faces. We had to give a big thumbs-up to the Tide before the kickoff. BTW... that's my exaggerated big impact smile... that's why it looks cheesy.

I was guest of my bro, Stewart and his wife Cherie. We had so much fun before, during and after the game. Although Cherie and I had to monitor the drunk girl behind us during the game. She spilled her drink twice and we just knew she ws going to hurl on us at any moment. Luckily we were safe and made it through without that happening.

Thanks for the ticket, guys!


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What NOT to Wear to a Football Game

Had a big Labor Day Weekend... went to the Alabama v. Hawaii opening football game in Tuscaloosa, AL. I have so many photos I could make 5 or 6 posts out of them, but I'll try and cram them into 3.

I just included these bodypainters in this post ... but they could easily go in the "What TO Wear to a Football Game" post. They were having fun and they are young and probably dumb. Spiced things up a bit. But come on ... Dude on the end! Put a sweatshirt on.

These four girls had on these dresses that go all the way to the ground. They are either A) Jehovah's Witness B) Wiccans or C) Stoners

Mullets were plentiful and I shot this one in the Bear Bryant Museum. His friend is giving me the "what you lookin' at" stare.

I'm sure this guy had a good reason to roll up his pants. Maybe it is a trend that I'm just not aware of... either way... I'm protecting his identity.

Bama won the game btw... Roll Tide Roll! Nothing like a WIN to make you forget that some of these people live in the same state.
