"Who Barted?"
Proudly serving blogs to at least 2 people since Sept.'05!
Friday, January 20, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
I'm Back, Baby!
I know , I know! Too long between posts. Here are my top excuses for not posting in such a long time. Feel free to add your own as well.
1. The sun was in my eyes.
2. My dog ate my blog.
3. I didn't know it was against the law.
4. All the other kids weren't doing their posts.
5. I tripped and fell.
6. I have post-partum depression.
7. I got lost on the way to my computer.
8. I have been held captive by Al-Qaeda.
9. It's that time of the month.
10. Stranded in the Alabama Blizzard of 2006
Monday, January 02, 2006
Redneck Christmas

You might be experiencing a redneck Christmas if it is possible to have fresh goat meat on the holiday menu.
BTW- No goats were harmed in the posting of this blog. ... and .... No glue guns or glue sticks were given as gifts this year. (socks, DVD, and some money... thanks, Mom)
Happy New Year!