Who Is This?

My daughter drew this woman/girl's face this morning on my refridgerator note board then asked me to guess who it was. It is a celebrity and my daughter was put-out with me for not knowing immediately who it was.
I guessed "Kate Winslet" and then she told me that it obviously was not a redhead because of the eyebrows.
Then she said she would not tell me. Are all 16 year old girls this sensitive?
Help me guess who the freak it is!
I am thinking a TV star and not a movie star.
I'm guessing Mischa Barton from the O.C. She got killed off the show yesterday...by the way.
It's mE!!!!!
I was thinking Katie Holmes.
(I dunno...it kinda looks like one of those women on the "Wanted" posters at the post office...)
Now I'm thinking it could be Katherine McPhee on American Idol.
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