Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Drivin' Me Crazy

Eyewitness account artist rendering

A dreaded call from my ex:
"Kelsey's (our daughter) had a wreck but she's alright."

A few minutes later I get a call from my daughter to fill me in:

K: "Dad?"
me: "Are you okay?"
K: "yeah..."
me: "what happened?"
K: " was right after school and the roads were wet... I wasn't on the phone... and I wasn't fooling with the radio... I might have been following a little too close."
me: "what did you hit?"
K: "... a Jeep Commander... it didn't even hardly get a scratch on it"
me: "... and your car?"
K: "... it is probably totalled... they towed it away"
me: " ..... "
K: "the policeman said I was only going 10mph... my airbag didn't even deploy... it could have been a lot worse."
me: "well you probably learned a valuable lesson"
K: " a valuable lesson? ... I didn't do anything wrong"
me: "Okay... you've had a valuable experience" (I am such a pushover)


At 1:13 PM, Blogger Kami said...


She didn't do anything wrong.

Except rear end someone. ;)

So glad she's okay, Bart. Those phone calls are scary as hell.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

I fear or the day that my kids get that age. Why is it illegal to chain them to their beds?

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'll admit that I'm snickering...

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey where the fuck did my comment go? I think it got eaten by your blog.

Ok I said: She said herself she was following someone a little too close...that is something she did wrong and should LEARN from.

But I shouldn't talk because I follow people too close ALL the time.


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